Hattori Arts&Craft is an original creation by graphic designer Ami Kato, blending Japan's tradition with European vintage art.
Having spent my student days in London, a city known for its Western religious paintings and thriving POP ART scene, I was inspired by my Western friends who took pride in their own culture. As a result, upon returning to Japan, I immediately immersed myself in Japanese culture. With a desire to combine the art I witnessed in Europe with Japanese culture, I launched this brand aiming to create vibrant and captivating pieces.
In my line of work, effective communication is paramount. Therefore, I am constantly exploring various ways to present artworks that combine Japanese culture with Western art, hoping they will be embraced by everyone.
This brand has just started in 2023, but through platforms like base, I hope to make these pop-inspired traditional craftworks easily accessible and enjoyable for many customers.
If you have any requests or inquiries, please feel free to message me.
Graphic Designer, Ami Kato
hattori Arts&Craftは、グラフィックデザイナーの加藤亜美によって生み出された、日本の伝統とヨーロッパのビンテージアートを融合させたオリジナル作品です。
イギリス・ロンドンで学生時代を過ごし、西洋の宗教画やPOP ARTが盛んな街であることや、自国の自慢をしっかりと誇れる西洋の友人たちから刺激を受けました。その結果、日本に帰国するとすぐに日本文化に没頭しました。ヨーロッパで見たアートと日本文化を融合させ、ポップで魅力的な作品を創りたいという思いから、このブランドを立ち上げました。
グラフィックデザイナー 加藤亜美